MTG - Foundations Starter Collection - EN
Whether you're taking your first steps into Magic, finishing up your Standard deck, or diving deep into Modern, Commander, and more—Magic: The Gathering Foundations is where to start playing.
Your favorite legends and Planeswalkers are here with quintessential magic from across the Multiverse. This set was made for past, present, and future Magic players, featuring products for players fresh or famous and filled with cards legal in Standard, at least until 2029!
Get an instant collection of staple Magic cards with the Starter Collection. With over 350 cards from across Magic's history, the Starter Collection provides all the tools you need to build your first decks. Explore the Multiverse and discover everything that Magic has to offer.
Each Starter Collection includes:
- 350+ Magic: The Gathering cards
- Includes 22 traditional foil cards
- 3 Magic: The Gathering Foundations Play Boosters
- 95 Basic lands
- Of those, 10 are full-art basic lands.
- 14 Tokens
- 2 Reference cards
- 1 "How to Build Your Deck" booklet
- 1 Click wheel
(Note: Magic: The Gathering Foundations Starter Collection is available in English language only.)
RELEASE : 08-11-2024